Create a brand page on Google

Create a brand page on Google:

Brands, organizations, and artists can get online and connect with customers and fans by creating a Google+ brand page.
Google+ brand pages don’t include address or other physical location information that appears on Google Maps. Instead, they offer ways for organizations to reach out to followers, fans, and customers on Google. You can link your brand page to your website, share updates, and post photos and videos.
Brand pages promote organizations that don't have a physical address. If you operate a business with a physical location, you may want to create a local business page instead. Learn more about different types of Google+ pages
To create your brand page:
  1. In a web browser, visit the page creation portal.
  2. Follow the instructions on your screen to finish creating your page.

following is  step by step  process to create    Bran Page on Google:

(1)step  1 :

Go to url :

and  Enter your  email id & password  of google.

(2)step  2 :

(a)Enter your  Page Name

(b)your  website  Url (web Address)

(c)then  choose  type of your BUSINESS PAGE

(3)step  3 : see  given below  Example    & then  Fill your details and  click on Create Page

(4)step  4:
Then you will see output of your Bran page like this:

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